Monday 13 August 2012

Welcome World...

As I welcome myself to this new platform of cyber-expression there is a slight apprehension that hangs in this vacuum of the web. The virgin sheets of this blog herald a new medium to share my excitement for movies with countless counterparts and to reach out to those who appreciate and understand film.

Having written extensive reviews for the better part of my newly developed geekhood, sharing them with my online friends was an involuntary action. But there always remained the need to have a place where all these thoughts, ideas and inspirations could be gathered in a vault of memories and be accessed for ready reference.
Though a blog was always on my mind, getting down to creating it and accepting the responsibility to keep it running always seemed to bother my lazy self.
A lot of my friends had frequently suggested this and in fact I had created this blog long back itself, but actually getting it in shape and customizing the perfect look from a plethora of templates was always the most tedious of tasks.
But when the reviews rendered unmanageable on status updates and as comments on communities, it was evident the needful had to be done.

But that was not the only reason I came here.
Having your own blog gives you that misjudged sense of satisfaction, the feeling of being someone who is published, read and actually looked forward to. When the reality is you advertise your blog vehemently, virtually begging the world to read it like a door-to-door salesman. And the tired, disgusted people frown upon your work like a scrutinizing examiner and cast it as another vague opinion among millions.

And so who was I to refrain from the alluring aspect of being a revered author?
To hell with ridicule and nonacceptance. I am a writer, bitch. Read me because my opinion counts, my words despite being published on a free medium from which I also hope to earn some money on the side, are the words of wisdom. Free and yet wise.

So, as I conclude my maiden article I hope to have conveyed my message. That I make absolutely no sense and I am here solely because having a blog makes you a man of respected sensibilities.
But then there's one last thing to consider,
I Love Cinema!
Yes, more than writing my own blog and becoming a famous author, more than earning buttloads of money and more than accumulating respect, it is the love of cinema that drives me to create this blog and to reach out to all you fantastic cinephiles who share the same passion.
It is the magic of this wonderful art form that binds us cinema lovers across this expansive medium of the internet and makes us one massive, varying community that breathes the same air and lives the same life.

Here's to cinema and good times to come.
The Cineman.

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